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February 2024 Newsletter

Hello Trans qathet Community, Allies, and Supporters!

Trans qathet Drop-in:

Unit #27-7100 Alberni st., in Town Centre Mall, between Shoppers & Subway

Tuesdays 12pm-3:00pm

Wednesdays 10am-2pm

Thursdays 2pm-5pm

Drop in for a social visit, a cup of tea, or to make use of the expanded resources and activities at our office. We provide WiFi, computers, printer and scanner, gender-affirming garments, clothes closet, a gender neutral washroom that is wheelchair accessible, a quiet room, books, tea and coffee, coloring books, board & card games, art & craft supplies, pronoun pins, flags, and more! 


Monthly Volunteer Meet-up! Sushi and snacks! 

Date and Time: Thursday, Feb 29 4:00pm-6:00pm

Tq Mall Office

Trans qathet is building our volunteer team! Come for the inaugural monthly meetup, where we will brainstorm, delegate, and create the future of Trans qathet events and community together. 

Trans qathet staff will present Tq and Lift’s Volunteer Agreement, Confidentiality Policies, and Codes of Ethics, to ensure safe, respectful, and clear roles and services. (Note: Please bring two pieces of ID in order to complete a vulnerable sector check - legal name will be required for this, but we do not need your legal name on file for any other aspects of volunteering for us!)

If you have any questions, or you are interested but are unable to make the meet-up time, feel free to drop by during our office hours to register as a volunteer! 

February Tq Events:

Climbing Gym Event!

Top Out Climbing Co-op in Townsite

Date & Time: Friday, February 2nd, 1:00pm-3:00pm

A private booking has been generously donated to us by the local Climbing Co-op! There will be an instructor present for our session, who will teach us the ropes (literally). Come out and try it out, even if you’re brand new to climbing - this will be a very gentle introduction. Message us if you require transportation to or from the event!

Valentine’s Cookie Decorating

Tq Mall office

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 14th, 1pm-3pm

Cute cookies and decorating supplies provided. Decorate some cookies to give to others or just come and help us eat all the delicious cookies. Share the love!


Tq Mall Office

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 21st, 3:00pm-7:00pm

Drop by for a casual evening of watching a movie and crafting together. Bring your own craft, or projects to share with others, or check out our selection of donated craft supplies. Transportation can be provided to and from this event, contact us for a ride.

Games & Hang Out

Tq Mall Office

Date & Time: Wednesday, February 28th, 3:00pm-7:00pm

Join us for a diverse range of games suitable for everyone. We'll have a nintendo set up, as well as board games, card games, and puzzles in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Feel free to bring snacks to share! Transportation can be provided to and from this event, contact us for a ride.

Other Local Events:

qathet Youth Community Action Team

Valentine’s Self Love Circle

Date and Time: February 14 5:00pm-6:30pm

Location: qathet Art Centre (above the library)

How do you practice self-love and acceptance in your daily life? Come and share your thoughts and tips. Honoraria provided! Catering by the nook. 

Other Resources

An excellent resource for an in-depth presentation on why pronouns matter, how to share them and correct mistakes: 

QMUNITY Gender and ID Clinic:

Access notarial, administrative, and emotional support for name and gender marker change processes. Drop in virtually on the first Wednesday and third Friday of each month, 4pm-6pm. For appointments, email or call Connie at 604-868-4238.

Trans Lifeline:

Call (877) 330-6366 for peer support by trans individuals for trans peers. Call for non-crisis situations or if unsure about your identity. Full anonymity & confidentiality; no nonconsensual active rescue.

Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention:

Call toll-free at (1-800-784-2433) for confidential, non-judgmental emotional support, available 24/7 for individuals experiencing distress or despair.

Mental Health Support:

For emotional support, information, and mental health resources, call 310-6789 (no area code needed).

Trans Rights BC:

Visit  for resources addressing legal rights commonly faced by trans and gender-diverse people.

Trans Care BC:

Toll-free: 1-866-999-1514

Outside of BC or unable to call a toll-free number: 604-675-3647



Send us a Message for support or resources!
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Trans qathet​

Funded by TransCareBC, Lift Community Services, and qathet Community Justice


Lift Community Services
218 – 6975 Alberni Street, Powell
River, BC, V8A 2B8

Contact us

Thanks for getting in touch!

© 2023 Trans qathet: Alliance for Gender Diversity and Support

We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.

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