Online resources for gender-diverse individuals, allies and families
Trans Care BC supports the delivery of equitable and accessible care, surgical planning, and peer and community support for trans people across the province.
Gender Spectrum is an organization based in California which offers education and workshops online to help create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens.
QMUNITY is a non-profit organization based in Vancouver, BC that works to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives. We provide a safer space for LGBTQ2SAI+ people and their allies to fully self-express while feeling welcome and included. Our building serves as a catalyst for community initiatives and collective strength.
This website contains written and video resources on the top 11 rights-based issues most commonly faced by trans and gender-diverse people: Public Spaces/Services, Education, Housing, Employment, Healthcare, Harassment & Violence, Parenting, Police & Prison System, Immigration & Refugee Issues, and Sex Work.