Trans qathet Announcement:
Hello Trans qathet community, allies, and supporters,
We hope this message finds you well. We have some important updates to share about our organization. You can find more details in our brief press release here: Funding changes lead to operational shift for Trans qathet
First and foremost, we want to reassure you that Trans qathet is here to stay, albeit with some changes. We have registered as an independent society and will be transitioning out of being a program of Lift Community Services. Lift has been vital to our growth and success, and they continue to support us during this transition. We are grateful to them and to Trans Care BC who have funded Trans qathet since the beginning.Â
What is staying the same?
Our Wednesday drop-in hours from 10 am to 2 pm will remain unchanged.
Our recurring monthly events, such as Crafternoon and Games & Hang Out, will continue on Wednesdays. View our calendar at Â
We will maintain our location in the Town Centre Mall, continuing to offer the same resources and support.Â
We are still reachable at 604-414-6187 or for peer support, community collaborations, and more.
We will continue offering workshops and consultations—feel free to reach out to book!
We are continuously accepting donations, you can donate to us HERE
What is changing?
We are reducing our paid staffing hours from 50 hours per week to 8 hours per week.
Laurance, our co-founder and Coordinator, is moving to a full-time position with Lift Community Services but will remain with us as a volunteer. We thank him for his contributions and look forward to his continued involvement.
We will be hiring a part-time second staff member, to support co-founder Zeke who will now coordinate Trans qathet and our volunteer team.
We have established a dedicated volunteer team, who are all transgender peers, to help fill gaps in our services as we seek more funding.
Our Helping Out Fund will be paused in June, once we address any pending applications, in order to streamline our fundraising efforts and ensure that every dollar can have the greatest positive impact.
Trans qathet is now its own incorporated society, which allows us to access more funding sources and build sustainable community support. Our newly formed Board of Directors will ensure that Trans qathet's core values continue to guide us.Â
We have invited the qathet Pride Society to share our office space, they are busy with Pride events throughout June but stay tuned as to how our two organizations will be working together!
Our reduced capacity means we will rely more on volunteers and community support. We are committed to maintaining our core services and supporting the community to the best of our ability. Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate these changes. Together, we can ensure that Trans qathet remains a vital resource for our community.